Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Expectations vs Reality

I was lying in bed the other night and couldn't sleep, me and my sleeping is really fucked up most of the time. But that is i not what this is about. I started to think about something.

The thing is that you know how we get to hear about people in the media all the time. And how we form our opinions about them... how we have our own 'visions' (if that's what you want to call it) and we think we know them. But then one day we will read and article or meet them and whatever and they turn out to be totally different. I met a good few 'famous' people and some of them were nothing like they pretended to be in the media and some of them were just like i thought they would be.

What i am trying to say is, why do we put so much expectations into those people. Why, for some reason, do we think they are different? I guess we just take everything they say in interviews/articles for the truth. But why? In the end of the day they are just people too... and in my experiences they are the ones who have to lie. They can't just say 'Oh yes sometimes the fans are annoying', they simply can't say it. How would that look, how would their fans react? Do you know what i mean? So basically they (not all of them) have a bad trait everybody hates, they lie. They lie to make themselves look better, to live up to all the expectations we have.

I specifically chose the word 'lie' to make it more prominent. I could have said 'they act'. So you can chose which ever word you prefer.

The point i am trying to bring across is that we trust them because we like them. No let me say that again, we trust them because we like the way they are being portrayed by either 'lying' or by the media writing certain things about them. Yet in real life we meet people and we are careful, we don't trust right away... they have to earn our trust. To me that is somehow strange.

I know this is probably a strange thing to talk about, but i was talking to my friend Peggy the other day and we were talking about the WWE guys... and since i have met them all (well nearly all) she asked me the question 'Who is the nicest and who is the way they say they are?' So it made me think about this. Let me tell you there are some real dickheads under them and usually its the people who pretend to be so great to their fans. Funny world isn't it?

For me i can say that the most 'famous' people i have met turned out to be the nicest people. I am not going to name names here, for the simple reason that this is not about one person it's in general.

As for me... i will try not to have all these expectations about all those people anymore. I will remind myself that it's their job to 'lie' (act) to make them look good to the fans and media. Because there is nothing more disappointing then meeting the person you idolize and realizing that they are nothing like you thought they were. Do not believe everything they say, remind yourself they are just normal people too but that they need the public to like them in order to make it in whatever business they are in. Again, of course not all 'famous' people lie/act/pretend to be somebody they are not. But a lot of them do.

Ok i guess i said enough. hahaha I don't know why that made me think so much. Its just that one talk i had with my friend about the WWE guys.

Like i said this is NOT about one person in particular and this is NOT about all famous people. And thank god that the people i 'idolize' didn't turn out to be those kind of dickheads.

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